TIMELINE TWO follows Elise van Hove, a brilliant woman working as a waitress after escaping her small hometown. After a serial killer called ‘The Butcher’ unsuccessfully attempts to stalk and kill her, Elise embarks on an avenging crusade against Columbia's most heinous predators. At the urging of a dark figure called Scratch, who appears to speak only to her, she forms a band of vigilante women who call themselves The Black Dahlias to exact justice on those who have evaded it.‍ When Elise is taken under the wing of Mother Christophora, a Russian Orthodox Nun, The Dahlias become a weapon of revolt: and Elise discovers too late the role they have played in a prophetic coup sought by the mysterious leader of a clandestine religious sect: The Children of the Shining City. When it is revealed that ‘The Butcher’ was a pawn of Christophora, and only a precursor to an even greater horror yet to be unleashed by the cult, Elise and Charlie Hobbes finally cross paths: two unlikely warriors in a battle for the soul of the city.