A dark and mischievous presence, Scratch appears to both the mysterious killer known as The Butcher and Elise Van Hove as a twisted mentor, encouraging their most primal urges and perhaps guiding them along in some greater, sinister plot. Or, perchance, he is using them only as playthings: easily discarded when something more fun comes along. He may be the Devil himself, but the itch is your own. He’ll just help you scratch it.
A dark and mischievous presence, Scratch appears to both the mysterious killer known as The Butcher and Elise Van Hove as a twisted mentor, encouraging their most primal urges and perhaps guiding them along in some greater, sinister plot. Or, perchance, he is using them only as playthings: easily discarded when something more fun comes along. He may be the Devil himself, but the itch is your own. He’ll just help you scratch it.
A dark and mischievous presence, Scratch appears to both the mysterious killer known as The Butcher and Elise Van Hove as a twisted mentor, encouraging their most primal urges and perhaps guiding them along in some greater, sinister plot. Or, perchance, he is using them only as playthings: easily discarded when something more fun comes along. He may be the Devil himself, but the itch is your own. He’ll just help you scratch it.
A dark and mischievous presence, Scratch appears to both the mysterious killer known as The Butcher and Elise Van Hove as a twisted mentor, encouraging their most primal urges and perhaps guiding them along in some greater, sinister plot. Or, perchance, he is using them only as playthings: easily discarded when something more fun comes along. He may be the Devil himself, but the itch is your own. He’ll just help you scratch it.