TIMELINE ONE follows Charlie Hobbes, a police officer who was born blind but has gained his sight via a miracle of modern science—which reveals to him not only our world, but strange visions of the Angelic and Demonic figures that dominated his religious upbringing. When a serial killer known only as ‘The Butcher’ emerges, terrorizing the city, Charlie and his partner, Ronnie Richards, join their boss, Detective Anita Escobar, in a manhunt for the perpetrator through a massive and morally decaying city.‍ Their investigation takes them ever deeper into the underbelly of the metropolis, where they uncover a plot by the city’s mayor to use the hysteria surrounding the killings to turn the public against the massive shantytown that has sprung up in the city’s vast Paramount Park: a living testament to city hall’s failures. As he descends down a dark rabbit hole of violent mobsters, conniving industrialists, and religious zealots, Charlie is forced to shake hands with real-life demons, and face the fallen angels of his own nature, to bring The Butcher’s reign of terror to an end.