The Light
The Light are the agents of Heaven, divine beings that have been locked in a war with The Dark for millennia. Their ranks contain the Archangels Michael, leader of heaven’s armies, Gabriel, the messenger of God, and Azrael, the Angel of Death. Why they now walk, often undetected, amount the citizens of the City of Columbia is unknown.
The Light
The Light are the agents of Heaven, divine beings that have been locked in a war with The Dark for millennia. Their ranks contain the Archangels Michael, leader of heaven’s armies, Gabriel, the messenger of God, and Azrael, the Angel of Death. Why they now walk, often undetected, amount the citizens of the City of Columbia is unknown.
The Light
The Light are the agents of Heaven, divine beings that have been locked in a war with The Dark for millennia. Their ranks contain the Archangels Michael, leader of heaven’s armies, Gabriel, the messenger of God, and Azrael, the Angel of Death. Why they now walk, often undetected, amount the citizens of the City of Columbia is unknown.
The Light
The Light are the agents of Heaven, divine beings that have been locked in a war with The Dark for millennia. Their ranks contain the Archangels Michael, leader of heaven’s armies, Gabriel, the messenger of God, and Azrael, the Angel of Death. Why they now walk, often undetected, amount the citizens of the City of Columbia is unknown.