The Paradise Lost Club
Resurrected from the remains of a 1930s Art Deco masterpiece, the mammoth Paradise Lost Club stands as the crown jewel and headquarters of the Whitechapel Mob’s criminal empire. An intricate labyrinth of support hallways encircle the Grand Ballroom and provide access to the Club’s underground gambling operations. The Ballroom itself is the premiere performance venue in the Central City, featuring a wide variety of acts from musicians to illusionists and burlesque dancers. The complex operations of the club are handled by Panama George, one fo the oldest confidants of the mob’s leader, ‘Whitechapel’ Jack.
The Paradise Lost Club
Resurrected from the remains of a 1930s Art Deco masterpiece, the mammoth Paradise Lost Club stands as the crown jewel and headquarters of the Whitechapel Mob’s criminal empire. An intricate labyrinth of support hallways encircle the Grand Ballroom and provide access to the Club’s underground gambling operations. The Ballroom itself is the premiere performance venue in the Central City, featuring a wide variety of acts from musicians to illusionists and burlesque dancers. The complex operations of the club are handled by Panama George, one fo the oldest confidants of the mob’s leader, ‘Whitechapel’ Jack.
The Paradise Lost Club
Resurrected from the remains of a 1930s Art Deco masterpiece, the mammoth Paradise Lost Club stands as the crown jewel and headquarters of the Whitechapel Mob’s criminal empire. An intricate labyrinth of support hallways encircle the Grand Ballroom and provide access to the Club’s underground gambling operations. The Ballroom itself is the premiere performance venue in the Central City, featuring a wide variety of acts from musicians to illusionists and burlesque dancers. The complex operations of the club are handled by Panama George, one fo the oldest confidants of the mob’s leader, ‘Whitechapel’ Jack.
The Paradise Lost Club
Resurrected from the remains of a 1930s Art Deco masterpiece, the mammoth Paradise Lost Club stands as the crown jewel and headquarters of the Whitechapel Mob’s criminal empire. An intricate labyrinth of support hallways encircle the Grand Ballroom and provide access to the Club’s underground gambling operations. The Ballroom itself is the premiere performance venue in the Central City, featuring a wide variety of acts from musicians to illusionists and burlesque dancers. The complex operations of the club are handled by Panama George, one fo the oldest confidants of the mob’s leader, ‘Whitechapel’ Jack.