The Jackals
A vicious and brutally precise crime syndicate made up of several once rival gangs, The Jackals have taken over the city’s outer boroughs under the leadership of a man most have never seen known only by the mononym Canis. They have recently been treading closer and closer to the city’s center, the territory of The Whitechapel Mob: with whom open conflict now seems inevitable.
The Jackals
A vicious and brutally precise crime syndicate made up of several once rival gangs, The Jackals have taken over the city’s outer boroughs under the leadership of a man most have never seen known only by the mononym Canis. They have recently been treading closer and closer to the city’s center, the territory of The Whitechapel Mob: with whom open conflict now seems inevitable.
The Jackals
A vicious and brutally precise crime syndicate made up of several once rival gangs, The Jackals have taken over the city’s outer boroughs under the leadership of a man most have never seen known only by the mononym Canis. They have recently been treading closer and closer to the city’s center, the territory of The Whitechapel Mob: with whom open conflict now seems inevitable.
The Jackals
A vicious and brutally precise crime syndicate made up of several once rival gangs, The Jackals have taken over the city’s outer boroughs under the leadership of a man most have never seen known only by the mononym Canis. They have recently been treading closer and closer to the city’s center, the territory of The Whitechapel Mob: with whom open conflict now seems inevitable.